Treating Colds and The Flu During Pregnancy

Influenza (the flu) is a viral infection of the throat, trachea and bronchi. An annual flu-vaccine is offered here at the office, and is especially encouraged during pregnancy. In comparison, a “cold” is a viral infection of the nose and throat. The flu and the common cold are annoying, but do not pose a health threat to most healthy people. These viral infections will usually run their course in 7-10 days, and are untreatable with antibiotics.

Important Things to Remember

  1. Coughing, fever and excess secretions may lead to dehydration. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day.
  2. Tiredness and difficulty sleeping are common symptoms of all viruses. Avoid doing too much, and rest as much as possible during the day.
  3. During pregnancy, it is best to avoid medications if at all possible, but if your symptoms become severe, use this information as a guide and never hesitate to contact your provider
  4. Call your care provider if you experience any of the following:
    • Temperature over 100.5˚F, lasting more than 3 days
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Severe sore throat AND a temperature above 100.5˚ F
  5. Avoid medications before 12 weeks if at all possible. Make sure you read the labels and avoid products with alcohol, aspirin or ibuprofen. Please call our office with any questions.

Treatments for Cold and Flu Symptoms

General Aches & Pains

  1. Warm bath
  2. Tylenol (325mg x 2 tabs every 4-6 hours)
  3. Heating pad (low heat)


  1. Vicks vapor rub with a warm towel
  2. Cool mist humidifier/vaporizer
  3. Saline nasal rinse (½ tsp salt in ½ cup warm water)
  4. Saline nasal spray
  5. Limit milk intake
  6. Hot lemon/sage tea
  7. Sudafed (30mg x 1 tab every 4-6 hours, not to exceed 4 does in 24 hours)
  8. Tavist D (1 tab every 12 hours, not to exceed 2 does in 24 hours)


  1. Warm tea and honey
  2. Non-caffeinated beverages
  3. Peppermint tea
  4. Menthol to chest with a warm towel
  5. Robitussin (Guaifenesin 100mg x 2-4 tsp every 4 hours)

Runny Nose

  1. Humidifier
  2. Sudafed (30 mg x 1 tab every 4-6 hours, not to exceed 4 doses in 24 hours)

Sore Throat

  1. Warm chicken broth
  2. Lozenges such as Chloraseptic, Ludens, Robitussin, or Ricola
  3. Warm salt water gargle
  4. Chloraseptic throat spray


  1. Rinse eyes with warm water
  2. Visine eye drops to soothe itchy, dry eyes
  3. Sudafed ( 30mg x 1 tab every 4-6 hours, not to exceed 4 does in 24 hours)
  4. Benadryl Allergy & Sinus (2 capsules every 6 hours, not to exceed 8 capsules in 24 hours)
  5. Comtrex (2 tabs every 4 hours, not to exceed 8 tabs in 24 hours)
  6. Contac (1 capsule every 12 hours, not to exceed 2 in 24 hours)


  1. Warm bath with lavender or chamomile
  2. Warm milk or chamomile tea